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Mobile App marketing

So you are the owner of the application. Apps with excellent UX and UI, created through detailed market, demand and competitor analysis. But at the time of release, potential users do not know anything about it. What should you do to make people know about your application and start downloading?

One of the fastest and most effective options is to launch a paid promotion. By such promotion, we mean the creation of a marketing strategy, the main goal of which is to increase the number of downloads and sales within the application, as well as interaction with users throughout the entire life cycle: from acquaintance with the application to active use and in-app purchases. Another option is to buy downloads for App and improve engagement rate this way.

90% of the time on mobile devices, users spend in applications

It doesn't matter if the application has been on the market for many years or you are just launching it - paid promotion reveals a huge potential for the growth of your product. With a well-developed marketing strategy and an integrated approach, you can increase your app profit from 2 to 10 times.

Mobile app analytics

Every product owner who wants to understand how their application grows uses analytics.

How do people react to your app? What features are used the most? Is there something that interferes with their convenience?

All of these questions can be answered with analytics.

Features of setup and operation

To launch a campaign, the first step is to enable analytics for apps. If you run ads only on Google, then the free Firebase is fine for you. Next, let's import conversions into Google Ads.

It is imperative to determine for what purpose we are setting up the campaign. If you are wondering how using Social Media can be worthwhile for a business, this will help in choosing the optimal strategy:

  • Increasing the number of installs will help increase the number of app downloads. Installations for Android on Google can be tracked without connecting an analytics system. You just need to link your Google Ads accounts to Google Play.
  • Performing certain actions in the application. This option is suitable for retaining and reactivating users who have already downloaded the application.
  • Increasing the value of actions in the application. It will help you focus on those users whose total value is most likely to be the highest.